OpenLDAP, Related Projects and Sites

Related Projects and Sites

We hope you will find this list of related projects and sites useful.

LDAP Information

University of Michigan LDAP
Though the LDAP project is now defunct, this site still provides a great deal of useful information. OpenLDAP is derived from their 3.3 release.
An LDAP Roadmap and FAQ
Jeff Hodges provides a "tutorial aid to navigating various LDAP and X.500 resources."
Innosoft's LDAP World
Mark Wahl provides details about LDAP's specification and availability of commercial products.

Directory Working Groups

IETF LDAP Revision Working Group
This IETF working group chartered to revise LDAP specifications to produce an Internet Draft Standard.
IETF LDAP Extensions Working Group
This IETF working group chartered to "define and standardize extensions to the LDAP version 3 protocol and extensions to the use of LDAP on the Internet."
Internet Directory Consortium
The OpenGroup is forming this group to promote interoperability of directory products.

LDAP Developer Tools

Graham Barr's Net::LDAP is a perl modules that can be used to develop LDAP applications. Perl-LDAP is entirely in Perl!
Clayton Donley's depreciated perl module is compatible OpenLDAP 1.X. Users of Netscape Directory SDK should use PerLDAP instead.
Netscape Directory SDK
Netscape Directory SDK provides a LDAPv3 API for C and Java developers. The source is publicially available as part of The Mozilla Project.
PerLDAP, developed Netscape and Clayton Donley, is a set of perl modules to allow Perl programmers to develop LDAP applications. The source is publicially available as part of The Mozilla Project.
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP3 is a server-side HTML embedded scripting language with integrated LDAP support.

LDAP Gateways

web500gw: A HTTP LDAP Gateway
Web500gw connects WWW browsers to LDAP based directories.

LDAP Integration

nss_ldap, pam_ldap, and more
PADL Software provides a a variety of tools for utilizating LDAP as an network information service.
Linux Directory Services
Developing the next-generating of Linux directory services using LDAP.

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