To augment existing objects with additional attribute types, it best to
use an auxiliary object class. An auxiliary object class purpose is
to allow a additional attribute types to be added to an entry.
For example, if you want to add krbName attribute type to a number
of entries, you can edit your
or local schema file to include an objectclass:
objectclass ( <custom oid>
NAME kerberosSecurityObject
DESC 'Kerberos security object'
MUST ( objectClass $ krbName ) )
Then, after restarting slapd, you can modify entries to such
that the are of objectclass kerberosSecurityObject and
have a krbName attribute.
% ldapmodify -D <RootDN> -W <<EOF
dn: uid=archie, dc=openldap, dc=org
changetype: modify
add: objectclass
objectclass: kerberosSecurityObject
add: krbName
One could also place the LDIF in a file and use the -f option of ldapmodify(1).