OpenLDAP's suite supports two types of replication:
Replication via syncrepl, the LDAP content synchronization operation (LDAP sync, RFC 4533). Introduced in OpenLDAP 2.2, it operates in pull mode: the consumer pulls the updates out of the producer. When used in refreshOnly mode, the producer barely knows it's acting as a master, while the refreshAndPersist mode requires the producer to support persistent searches. Either mode requires the provider and the consumer to support the controls related to the Sync Operation.
Replication via the slurpd daemon; inherited from UMich's LDAP. It operates in push mode: the master pushes changes to the slaves. Slurpd replication is considered obsolete. It is deprecated in favor of syncrepl replication and is being phased out. It will be completely dropped in 2.4., |