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WARNING: No dynamic config support for MODULE


I am using the slapd 2.3.30 debian package.
I would like to have the schma and acl configuration
dynamic so I am able to replicate it. but on the other hand
I would like to use som overlays witch do not support
the dynamic configuration.

Is there any possibilty to keep schenas and acls in the
dynamic configuration. And keeping the overlay and database configuration
in an old style include file ?


Manon Goo
Dembach Goo Informatik GmbH & Co KG
Untersachsenhausen 33
D-50667 KÃln
Tel: +49 221 801483 0
Mobil: +49 177 8091974
Fax: +49 221 801483 20
Email: manon@dg-i.net

Amtsgericht KÃln HRA 22794, UST ID: DE242 159 527
GeschÃftsfÃhrer: Manon Goo, Andreas Dembach
Haftende Gesellschafterin: Dembach Goo Verwaltungs GmbH

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