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JLDAP README out of date

I went to rebuild JLDAP from CVS source today and got some surprises which are not reflected in the docs. First, ant no longer comes with the distribution. That's fine by me since I'd prefer to use a local version, but it totally invalidates the README build instructions.

The other concern is more problematic. Apparently the relatively new DsmlConnection class and util.HttpRequestCallback interface require classes from the external libraries org.apache.commons.httpclient and org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods. These are not listed as dependencies, yet without these external libraries JLDAP will not build under given targets.

I know I should expect documentation to lag development and I could simply remove these classes to get a working build (I did), but I question this direction. Is it desirable for the core JLDAP libraries to accumulate dependencies on external libraries outside those in J2SE? Why can't this extended functionality instead be part of a separate distribution? At the very least, I would appreciate a build target that ignores this vestigial code.

I know the right thing to do is to post ITS reports and patches to this effect, which I will do, but I wanted to pose the philosophical question here first because I would prefer to see a self-contained JLDAP. It is, after all, the fundamental dependency for my current work. On the other hand, if there is no concern for scoping JLDAP I have a boatload of working code to accomplish a number of particular and extraneous tasks that I'd be happy to contribute myself!

Jon Roberts