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Re: SuSE eMail Server 3.1: OpenLDAP goes down... Tunning or version problems???


Fabiano Felix <felix@getnet.com.br> writes:

> Hi all,
> I'm having some problems with OpenLDAP version wich come with SuSE eMail
> Server 3.1. I have about 500 objects (320 users) in to the directory.
> The service goes down without apparent reason. The version in to the SMS
> 3.1 is openldap2-2.0.11. I increase the number of process to 64, but
> it's not solved...
> My question is: I need to make a server tunning or is there a problem
> with OpenLDAP SMS 3.1 version ???

I happen to manage a SuSE Email Server myself. The problems you are
describing, may occur due to hardware problems but are not an openldap
issue. For more information see 

Dieter Kluenter  | Systemberatung
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mailto: dkluenter@schevolution.com