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Linux Autofs + LDAP
This is in response to many requests for help in getting the Linux Autofs to
work with Openldap. In my experience, this is what I did to get everything
working just fine on Redhat 7.1 with a lot of help from Nalin at Redhat.
Nalin, if I am wrong on any of this please correct me. Also if anyone has
comments on this, please let me know. I'd like to publish this somewhere for
all to use.
There are two ways to use ldap with autofs. One way is to use a
/etc/auto.master file, and the other is to put the auto.master in the LDAP
/etc/auto.master (nsswitch.conf is automounter: files )
/home ldap:hostname.domain.com:ou=auto.home,dc=mydom,dc=com
When the automounter starts, it will parse the nsswitch.conf file. Since our
entry contains files first, it will and search for a /etc/auto.master file.
In the above entry, the automounter knows the /home entry is ldap, and will
query the ldap server under the specified base dn for cn entries in the
dn: ou=auto.home, dc=mydom,dc=com
ou: auto.home
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
dn: cn=user1,ou=auto.home, dc=mydom,dc=com
objectClass: automount
automountInformation: -rw,hard,intr host:/export/home/user1
cn: user1
Openldap auto.master (nsswitch.conf is automounter: ldap there is no
/etc/auto.master file)
Sample ldif for auto.master and auto.home entries
dn: ou=auto.master, dc=mydom,dc=com
ou: auto.master
objectClass: top
objectClass: automountMap
dn: cn=/home,ou=auto.master, dc=mydom,dc=com
objectClass: automount
automountInformation: ldap:host.mydom.com:ou=auto.home,dc=mydom,dc=co
m --timeout 60
cn: /home
dn: ou=auto.home, dc=mydom,dc=com
ou: auto.home
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
dn: cn=user1,ou=auto.home, dc=mydom,dc=com
objectClass: automount
automountInformation: -rw,hard,intr host:/export/home/user1
cn: user1
In this senario, when the automounter starts, it will parse the nsswitch.conf
file. Since our entry contains ldap it will search the base dn specified in
the /etc/ldap.conf file for the objectClass: automount with the
ou=auto.master and use the automountinformation entry as a pointer to rest of
the mount information as in the sample ldif above.
Now, as for other automounters, these entries only work with the Linux
automounter. Sun and the rest of the world use the nisMap and nisObject
schema and ou=auto_home instead of auto.home. Now we have just duplicated
all of our entries in the ldap tree according to the OS. Oh man... But,
Nalin mentioned some compatibility in the future from his last message to me.
Anyway, there is a bug in the Solaris automounter (Sun Bug ID 4379906) that
prevents it from working with OpenLDAP. If someone would like sample ldif
entries for the Solaris automounter, I can post those also on a different
post explaining the bug and how it should work. The fact is right now though
is that it doesn't, at all. I haven't tested the HP-UX or AIX automounters.
If anyone has information on these, I would like to know if anyone got these
to work with OpenLDAP. My access to those hardware platforms has gone away
for now.
Good luck,
Brian Wert