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Re: Static Analysis of OpenLDAP

On Apr 14, 2011, at 3:41 PM, Lynn Gayowski wrote:

> Klocwork’s open source program did some source code analysis for OpenLDAP a few years back.  We’ve analyzed the project again using our static analysis product, Klocwork Insight, and found some bugs and potential security vulnerabilities that may be of interest.  The results are hosted on a secure web portal so only contributors to the project will have access to the results.  They will not be published. Please email opensource at klocwork dot com for the login credentials.

For the benefit of you and the community, please note that the OpenLDAP Foundation considers this as an open request for those interested in the Klockwork report to contact Klockwork for that report.  To the extent that Klockwork and any interested party choose to enter into any sort of agreement, that agreement is between Klockwork and the interested party.  The OpenLDAP Foundation, nor the OpenLDAP Project (an organized activity of the OpenLDAP Foundation), would not be a party to that agreement and hence cannot and will not be bound by any such agreement.

It must also be noted that the Project requires all contributions (including not just source code) to be publicly disclosable.  This is why it won't enter into an agreement precluding it from publishing particular contributions, such as a report.  It is the contributors responsibility, not the Project's, to only contribute materials which are publicly disclosable.  The Project will publish any and all contributions (it may choose to delay contributions of certain materials (such as "major security issues", but all contributions get published in due course).

This note is not intended to dissuade anyone interested in this report from seeking access to the report and/or viewing the report.  The note is intended to make clear that those seeking access to such reports are acting on their own behalf, not on the behalf of the OpenLDAP Foundation or the OpenLDAP Project.

Regards, Kurt

Executive Director, OpenLDAP Foundation

> Issue Summary: https://opensource.klocwork.com/review/insight-review.html#reportviewer_goto:project=openldap,report=6,scope=1
> Full Details/Issue Management: http://goo.gl/9GNiu
> This program will be offered free to open source projects on an ongoing basis, so if you find the results of value we could analyze future versions of your project as well.
> Cheers,
> Lynn Gayowski
> Klocwork
> P +1.613. 836.8899 ext. 424
> lynn.gayowski at klocwork.com